YouTube has recently launched some exciting new features that will benefit your channel and video growth. Should you have any questions regarding these product changes, please feel free to reach out to your POPS contact in the Artist & Partner Development or Partner Marketing teams of POPS Worldwide company!
* Content ID Fingerprint Improvements: Content ID is the global system used to identify video content so that you can track and monetise content. The improvements to Content ID mean that more and more of your video content can be tracked and you can choose whether to allow and monetise or block all of the uploaded content.
* End-Screen Tool: This is an entirely new feature that allows you to create end screens — what we call an “end card” — with up to 4 elements that works on both mobile an desktop! This makes it even easier for you to dynamically update your end-screens. As a best practice we recommend having end-screens lasting at least 15 to 30 seconds. The end-screen serves as an advertisement for your other video content and the channel.
* Hashtags: #Hashtags are now live in titles and descriptions. You should hashtags for trending topics used in social media. Hashtags are different than keywords. Keywords are used to increase discovery of your video content on search. You should consider creating hashtags around campaigns, events or topical events that everyone is talking about.